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Part Number Description
ABBINICT12 Infi-net to Computer Transfer Module
ABBINIIT01 Infinet to Infinet Transfer Module
ABBINITT01 Infinet to Terminal Transfer Module
ABBINNIS11 Network Interface Module
ABBINPCI01 Plant Loop to Computer Interface
ABBINSEM11 Sequence of Events Master Module
ABBIMASM01 Analog Input Module, 4-20mA, 1-5v, 0-10v
ABBIMASM03 Analog Input Module, 8 RTD inputs, 100 ohm
ABBIMCIS02 Control I/O Module, 4AI, 3DI, 4DO
ABBIMDSI02 Digital Input Module, 16 Inputs, 24vdc,
ABBIMDSI12 Universal Digital Input Module (16 inputs)
ABBIMDSI13 24 VDC Digital Input Module (16 inputs)
ABBIMASI23 Analog Input Module, 16 inputs
ABBIMFAI01 Isolated Analog Input
ABBIMEDI01 Ethernet Device Interface Module
ABBIMMFP05 Multi-Function Processor
ABBIMMPC02 Programmable Controller c/w BASIC
ABBIMSER01 Sequence of Events Recorder
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